HBAA’s monthly club meeting will be held at Western Beverage
The next meeting for HBAA will be held on the first Monday of each month beginning at 7 p.m. at Western Beverage in Hays.
February 2, 2009
Hays Bass Anglers Association is commitment to: giving you and our members the full-fledged benefits of a service organization dedicated to Bass Angling in western Kansas.
We promote conservation policies and support improving ecological and environmental conditions at the state and regional levels. We promote and encourage youth fishing, as a recreational sport, and competitively. We also strive to improve angling skills through education, fellowship, and friendly competition.
Fellowship has been defined as two or more fellows in the same ship. There is a collegiality among anglers that is unparalleled. They can be the fiercest of competitors but remain a band of brothers.
The Hays Bass Anglers Association was chartered in December of 1999 by a group of men hungry for fellowship and an outlet for their desire for community service. Their common bond was the joy of piscatorial pursuit. Because of their commitment to good works, this organization is today a solid part of the community of Hays, Kansas.
The Hays Bass Anglers Association is an institution of integrity, devoted to the wise enjoyment of our natural resources. Youth is valued, and through Casting Kids and Big Brothers/Big Sisters, young lives are touched by kind and generous members. In addition, Hays Bass Anglers has established an endowment scholarship in cooperation with Fort Hays State University. Finally, the association conducts one of the finest bass tournaments in the country, the Big Bass Challenge, held each August.
The members do not have ships—just boats, guided by people with big hearts, who have found their way to serve others. Oh yes, we also get to fish!
Hays Bass Anglers Association
Amended and effective: February 2, 2009
Article I – Name and purpose
Section 1: name
The chapter shall be called the Hays Bass Anglers Association of Hays, KS in Ellis County.
Section 2: Purpose
This club’s purpose is to stimulate public awareness of bass fishing as a major sport. To offer our state wildlife and parks department organized moral support and encouragement. To promote good sportsmanship and ethic on and off the water. To improve our skills as bass anglers through fellowship and competition. To promote and encourage youth fishing and to give them an understanding of the outdoors around them. To function as an effective link with other chapters of the state BASS Chapter Federation embracing the principals and purpose of the Bass Anglers Sportsman Society.
Article II – Membership and Dues
Section I: Number of Members
This chapter shall maintain at least six members at all times. HBAA will limit the club size to 40 members, with the recommended boater to non-boater ratio being two to one.
Section 2: Requirements for membership
To become a chapter member, a person shall:
(a) Voluntarily express interest in membership.
(b) Fill out a current Membership application and sign it
(c) Be a member of BASS
(d) Be recommended by a member at one of the regular meeting
(e) Be voted on by the membership. The Ballot affirmation must be unanimous
(f) Be at least 16 years old
Section 3: Membership Dues
The membership dues shall be paid annually, initially payable upon being voted into the chapter. The State and Federal Federation dues will be paid out and the rest will be chapter dues. The dues are not prorated during the year.
Section 4: Meetings
The membership shall hold regular meetings at pre-established times. The officers of the chapter will set the meeting dates and times.
Quorum: Four (4) of the members of the chapter representative shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. If at any meeting of the chapter representatives there are less than a quorum, said meeting shall be adjourned and rescheduled.
Article III – Officers, Elections, Vacancies, and Eligibility
Section I: Officers and their duties
The officers of the chapter shall consist of:
(a) President: Presides over all meetings and directs all official business. Appoints and is an official member of all committees. He supervises all club functions.
(b) Vice President: Acts as program chairman. He also will assist the president when the president is absent.
(c) Secretary – Treasurer: Maintain accurate minutes of all regular meetings. Maintain regular liaison between the chapter and BASS Chapter Federation. He will also be in charge of communication from the chapter to its members (newsletters). Collect and disperse all monies. Maintain accurate financial records and presents a current balance at all regular meetings. Prepare an annual audit for the Chapter Board t review.
Section 2: Elections
The Elections of officers shall be held annually at a regular meeting during the month of December. Election shall be by majority of members present.
Section 3: Eligibility of Vote
Each member in good standing is entitled to one vote. Proxy votes are not allowed.
Section 4: Term of office
The term of office is for one year, which shall be begin in January 1 and end on Dec 31 or until the successor assumes the office.
Section 5: In the event an officer is vacant before the end of their term a special election will be held to fill it. National BASS headquarters shall be notified immediately of the change of officers.
Section 6: Eligibility of Holding Office
To be eligible for an office a member must:
(A) Has been a member of a least six months (six month requirement waived during first 12 months of chapter existence)
(B) Have attended at least 75% of the chapters meetings and during the 12-month period.
(C) Have an active interest in the chapter function.
(D) Maintain BASS membership at all times
Article IV – Committees
(a) Board of Directors: The Board of Directors shall consist of Four (4) members: President, Vice President, Secretary-Treasurer, and the Immediate past President.
The Board will decide all protests and rule violations of the tournament rules and bylaws of the chapter when appropriately received. The Board will develop agendas for the monthly meetings:
(b) Youth Committee: The purpose of this committee is to promote fishing to our youth. Projects will be introduced with the basic rules in mind. Honesty, Integrity, fair play, and good sportsmanship, and to give them an introduction to the sport of fishing.
(c) Conservation Committee: The purpose of this committee shall be to protect our natural environment from harmful discharge: To document and report to the proper authorities violations of local, state, and federal laws on wildlife, pollution, and conservation. TO make aware of our fragile environment by setting a good example.
(d) Tournament Committee: The purpose of this committee is to plan, organize and operate all chapter tournaments. The tournament committee will draft tournament rules, which must be voted on by the general membership. The committee will keep all tournament records, enforce all rules and investigate all protests concerning tournaments. The vice president is an automatic member of this committee because he/she is the tournament director.
Article V – Removal of membership
Section 1: Removal of member
(1) Failure to pay dues
(2) Any action, which reflect bad sportsmanship, dishonors and disgrace on the chapter and/or BASS
(3) Using drugs or alcohol during a tournament or chapter function.
Article VI: Affiliation
Section 1: Requirements of affiliation
(a) Approval of chapter by BASS
(b) Update BASS with a chapter membership roster one a year upon receipt of current roster at year’s end.
(c) Names and address of new members joining the chapter during the year must be submitted when they occur.
(d) Maintain 100% BASS membership
(e) Must affiliate with State Federation and support its programs, and attend its meetings with a rep. from the chapter.
Article VII – Method by amending the Bylaws
Section 1: Amending the Bylaws
The bylaws may be amended at any regular meeting by a 2/3 vote of the members present. Provided written notice of the proposed amendment has been presented to the membership at least one regular meeting prior to the vote.
We, the undersigned charter members, do hereby agree to the above bylaws and the commencement of the chapter on the 2nd day of February 2009.
President: Dan Basgall
Vice President: Ferrill Standage
Sec./Tres.: Keith Harmony